Things One Should Know About Ayurvedic Treatment For Proteinuria !

Proteinuria is characterized by the high level of protein in the urine. Generally, protein is found in your urine in a low amount, which is a normal condition. Protein is an essential body substance that is necessary for the body in several ways. One of the important proteins is albumin that is present in your blood. It keeps necessary nutrients in the blood and ensures that they can’t leak out into the tissue.

>Having a small amount of protein in urine is obvious, which is considered as the normal protein urine level. But when your protein level in urine exceeds the normal range, the condition is called proteinuria. In most cases, it is seen that the problem is temporary and gets cured once its causative factor gets cured or avoided. If you are suffering from a persistent form of proteinuria and losing protein continuously, choose Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria for the best cure. Many people suffering from proteinuria go for conventional healing ways that do not offer the best cure.

Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria

How does protein get into urine?

There are various reasons that may cause protein levels in urine to rise. Strenuous workout sessions, intake of a protein-rich diet, serious dehydration, emotional stress, and exposure to cold may cause your urine protein level to spike up. But these factors cause a temporary rise in urine protein level; this form of proteinuria is not severe and gets cured with fixing its cause.

In the other case, proteinuria occurs because of damage to your kidneys. Glomeruli, the tiny loops of capillaries in kidneys, support kidneys in doing their blood filtration tasks along with removing excess wastes from the blood. These loops of capillaries do not allow a high amount of protein into the urine, thus maintained the required amount of protein level in blood and release a nominal protein into the urine.

When this kidney section gets damaged, they become incapable of managing the normal protein level in the blood, and thus, a high protein amount starts leaking out from blood to the urine. In other words, when kidneys' filtering urine is damaged, a high protein amount passes from kidney filters and enters the urine. So, any damage in glomeruli may cause proteinuria to occur. In simple words, protein gets into the urine in case of any severe damage to the kidneys.

What symptoms appear in proteinuria?

In general, people with proteinuria don't notice any symptoms. It occurs because kidneys work well even in their mild damage condition. As kidney disease progresses, it can cause many symptoms. Those are

  • Increased urge to urinate
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Swelling in some body parts especially face, feet or ankles
  • Breath shortness
  • Tiredness
  • Muscle cramping
  • Foamy or bubbly urine

People noticing these symptoms should take medical help as soon as possible.

What does help detect proteinuria?

A urine test is helpful in detecting proteinuria. As the name implies, the test consists of urine analysis of patients. Doctors use a plastic stick with chemicals on its tip. The tip of the stick changes its color if urine has any imbalanced electrolytes, especially protein. The urine remainder is then analyzed under a microscope. Furthermore, a few blood analysis is conducted to check albumin level in the blood.

Analyzing these tests’ reports, your doctor can confirm you of high protein in urine and reduced albumin level in the blood. If your doctor suspects any kidney problem behind high protein level, he may also suggest following some more tests to check your kidney's health.

As per the health assessment and tests’ reports of the patient, he is given the most relevant and effective treatment.

How is proteinuria treated?

Proteinuria treatment depends upon treating underlying conditions. Therefore, every patient requires a different treatment.

The allopathic treatment works on complications of proteinuria that helps manage this problem. It uses medicines to manage complications, and it also suggests diet changes and exercises for weight loss. But if you have any kidney problems, it aims to manage kidney disease to combat proteinuria. In such a condition, it may use prescribed medicines and dialysis. On conduction many treatment procedures, it doesn’t guarantee permanent cure as this conventional treatment doesn’t work on deep causes.

On the other hand, choosing the best proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment is the best cure. Ayurveda is a natural healing method that works on several aspects of a problem as it aims to provide a permanent cure. Ayurveda believes that every health problem is the result of disturbing bodily energies, mainly Doshas, which are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Whenever any of these Doshas balance disturbs, an individual starts developing health problems. Ayurveda takes steps to balance the disturbed dosha for the permanent cure of a problem. In proteinuria, Ayurvedic treatment applies the same treatment principle and balances the dosha or other body’s internal aspect to see if they have a high protein level. In this process, Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria uses some natural herbs and some natural therapies. Moreover, a personalized diet and few other lifestyle alternations are recommended as per the health problem and lifestyle of the patient. If kidney damage is behind your proteinuria problem, Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria cures your kidney problem and also restores kidneys' health naturally to ensure a natural functioning of the kidneys. As a result, Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria is the most beneficial cure as it offers a permanent cure and doesn’t cast any side-effects on your health.

Contact a reliable Ayurvedic kidney hospital if you are looking for a permanent and risk-free cure for proteinuria.


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